"...eine bis zum Schluss fein ausgelotete musikalische Leitung durch JIMMY CHIANG, der das Orchester zu sensiblem Klang animierte und Sänger wie auch Chor auf Händen trug."
Der in Hongkong geborene Österreicher ist ein international ausgezeichneter, vielseitiger Dirigent und Konzertpianist. 2007 gewann er den ersten Preis beim renommierten „Lovro-von-Matacic“-Dirigierwettbewerb. Mit seinem breit gefächerten Repertoire – von Gregorianik bis zu zeitgenössischer Musik – fühlt er sich im Orchestergraben und auf der Bühne gleichermaßen zu Hause.
In a cover article in 2009, the international opera magazine Orpheus described Jimmy Chiang under the title, “Versatility comes through Hard Work, Discipline and Respect!” Chiang is a well-rounded musician who masters a great variety of musical skills. As a solo pianist, he delves deeply into the music and loves each note as if it were his own (Schorndorfer Nachrichten). As an orchestra and opera conductor, he “animates the orchestra… and carries the singers as well as the choir in his hands” (Orpheus, 2011). He was the first prize winner of the 2007 “Lovro von Matacic” international conducting competition in Zagreb.
From his origin in Hong Kong, to his education in the United States, to his education and residency in Vienna, and to his travels around the world, Chiang represents the intersection of many cultures and styles. As an Austrian citizen who has now lived in Vienna for the past 20 years, the language, culture, and music are Chiang’s own; without a doubt, “one associates him with Vienna” (Lübecker Stadtzeitung). He masters an enormous musical repertoire, ranging from Gregorian to living contemporaries. He is fluent in German, Chinese, English, and is proficient in Italian as well. He embodies a great many different perspectives, all within himself. Through his multifaceted expertise, Chiang is uniquely able to understand a piece of music from various perspectives. Chiang represents the intersection of versatility and mastery.
Jimmy Chiang, direttore d'orchestra
In un articolo di copertina del 2009, la rivista lirica internazionale Orpheus ha così descritto Jimmy Chiang: "La versatilità arriva attraverso il duro lavoro, la disciplina ed il rispetto!" Chiang è un musicista a tutto tondo che padroneggia una grande varietà di abilità musicali. Come pianista solista approfondisce la musica ed ama ogni nota come se fosse la sua (Schorndorfer Nachrichten). Come direttore d'orchestra e d'opera, “anima l'orchestra e tiene i cantanti e il coro nelle sue mani” (Orpheus, 2011).
Dalla sua origine a Hong Kong, allo studio negli Stati Uniti, alla sua formazione e residenza a Vienna, ai suoi viaggi in giro per il mondo, Chiang rappresenta l'intersezione di molte culture e stili. Avendo vissuto a Vienna negli ultimi 20 anni, la sua lingua, cultura e musica appartengono a Chiang; senza dubbio “lo si associa a Vienna” (Lübecker Stadtzeitung). Padroneggia un vasto repertorio musicale, che spazia dal gregoriano ai contemporanei viventi. Parla correntemente tedesco, cinese, inglese e ha una buona conoscenza anche dell'italiano. Incarna moltissime prospettive diverse, tutte dentro di sé. Grazie alla sua competenza poliedrica, Chiang è in grado di comprendere un brano musicale da varie prospettive rappresentando l'intersezione tra versatilità e maestria.
曾智斌(Jimmy Chiang)是一位在国际上享有盛誉的奥籍华裔指挥家与钢琴演奏家,2007年,他在 著名的“洛夫罗·冯·马塔契奇青年国际指挥大赛”(International Competition of Young Conductors Lovro von Matačić)中荣获一等奖。从格里高利圣咏到现当代音乐,他凭借其丰富的曲目类型与 多变的演奏风格,成为古典音乐界独树一帜的存在。此外,他还精通中文、德语、英语与意大利语 ,是一位真正意义上具有国际视野的华裔艺术家。
Upcoming Events

Taranto Opera Festival

Taranto Opera Festival

Coronation Mass by W.A. Mozart & works by the Haydn brothers
Wiener Sängerknaben
Chorus Viennensis

Production with Grace Bumbry

Taranto Opera Festival

Coronation Mass by W.A.Mozart
Mitglieder des Orchesters der Wiener Staatsoper
Wiener Sängerknaben
Herrenchor der Wiener Staatsoper

Wiener Musikverein
Wiener Sängerknaben
Wiener Chormädchen
Chorus Primus
Chorus Juventus
& Instrumental Ensemble

A sunday matinee with music by Weingartner, Chopin and Bartok, featuring pianist Maria Radutu on a rare string orchestra arrangement of Chopin's piano concerto no. 1.

17.9 Xi An
19.9 Chengdu
21.9 Hangzhou
22.9 Nanjing
25.9 Shanghai
28.9 Shanghai
29.9 Shanghai
1.10 Taizhou
2.10 Wuhan
3.10 Beijing
4.10 Beijing
6.10 Wei Fang
7.10 Qingdoo
10.10 Guangzhou
12.10 Shenzhen
13.10 Guangzhou
17.10 Tainan
18.10 Kaoshiung
22.10 Taipei
23.10 Taichung

Christmas Concert
"Alle Jahre wieder"
Wiener Sängerknaben
Jimmy Chiang

Memebers of the Vienna State Opera Orchestra
Memebers of the Men´s Chorus of the Vienna State Opera
Vienna Boys' Choir
„Jimmy Chiang behält beim Dirigieren des teilweise irrwitzig schwierigen Stücks Ruhe und Überblick - eine glänzende Leistung.“
„Chiang dirigierte vom Pult, vom Glockenspiel und vom Cembalo aus, immer in engstem Kontakt zu den Sängern. Ein Dirigent mit sensibler Körpersprache, der die Lübecker Philharmoniker präzise leitete und klanglich differenzierte Opulenz erstrahlen ließ.“
„Es ist beinahe unglaublich, wie perfekt das Philharmonisches Orchester Freiburg unter Jimmy Chiang Ligetis extrem komplexe und technisch schwierige Partitur umgesetzt hat.“
"Jimmy Chiang belegte durch sein solistisches Spiel……, wie sehr handwerkliche Perfektion mit musikalischer Tiefe in eins gehen müssen……Bar jeder sterilen Technik erlebte man fulminante Musikalität, als ob der Pianist jeden Ton eigens liebte."

ChiangisKLANG e.U.
Pötzleinsdorfer Straße 79/14
A-1180, Wien